Clinical Remission With Biologic Use Among US Subspecialist-Treated Patients With Severe Asthma: Results From the CHRONICLE Study

Chipps, Bradley E.; Lugogo, Njira; Carr , Warner; Genofre, Eduardo; Trudo, Frank; Ambrose, Christopher S.

Submitting Author: Christopher Ambrose
Dec 16, 2022 12:17 PM CST
Rationale: There are limited real-world data regarding the proportion of patients with severe asthma (SA) who achieve clinical remission with biologic treatment. Methods: CHRONICLE is an observational study of subspecialist-treated adults with SA. Sites report exacerbations and biologic use from 12 months prior to enrollment forward. Monthly Asthma Control Test (ACT) scores and 6-monthly specialist assessments of asthma control are collected. Clinical remission was evaluated among patients enrolled from February 2018 to February 2021. Remission was defined as absence of systemic corticosteroid (SCS) use for 12 months, majority of recent ACT scores ≥20, and recent asthma control per specialist and patient report. Results: Among evaluable patients with biologic use for ≥12 months (N=908), 68% had no SCS use within the most recent 12 months. A further 35% were SCS-free with most monthly ACT scores ≥20 and patient- and specialist-reported asthma control. Conclusions: In a real-world population, nearly 70% of patients with SA who had ≥12 months of biologic use had no exacerbations or SCS use. Approximately 1 in 3 achieved potential clinical remission.
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